Unlimited Hydration
The human body is made up of 60% water. Our skin is beautiful, supple and radiant only if properly hydrated. The same goes for hair, which must receive and maintain hydration to remain in its optimal state. The only way to make this happen is to provide the correct quantity of this simple but essential element through the right products.
Maple Aqua is Philip Martin’s answer to this need: the deep but delicate cleansing of Maple Aqua Wash, combined with Maple Aqua Rinse, ensures the scalp and hair are correctly hydrated. Their specific formulation helps prevent water loss due to the use of hairdryers and hot styling tools.
From the very first use, dry, parched and frizzy hair finds new life and is silky, shiny and soft to the touch.
Ripara, rinforza e protegge: la soluzione completa per la ricostruzione del capello
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Lo Shampoo Ristrutturante deterge delicatamente i capelli danneggiati, li fortifica e li rende più lucenti e resistenti, aiutando a prevenire danni futuri.
La Maschera Ristrutturante rigonfia le squame del capello per una penetrazione profonda degli attivi. Ricca di una potente combinazione di proteine e forte della tecnologia ActiveRelease, ricostruisce le ciocche stressate e in pochi minuti porta i capelli a un aspetto più sano.
Il Trattamento Idratante Intenso chiude le squame del capello sigillando al suo interno i preziosi nutrienti del trattamento. Anche le chiome più aride saranno di nuovo luminose, morbide al tatto e facilmente gestibili.
Il Leave-In Nutriente senza risciacquo è un potente cocktail di aminoacidi e sostanze idratanti, dalla formula leggera adatta anche ai capelli più fini e fragili, che ripara e rafforza la chioma stressata al solo contatto.
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The human body is made up of 60% water. Our skin is beautiful, supple and radiant only if properly hydrated. The same goes for hair, which must receive and maintain hydration to remain in its optimal state. The only way to make this happen is to provide the correct quantity of this simple but essential element through the right products.
Maple Aqua is Philip Martin’s answer to this need: the deep but delicate cleansing of Maple Aqua Wash, combined with Maple Aqua Rinse, ensures the scalp and hair are correctly hydrated. Their specific formulation helps prevent water loss due to the use of hairdryers and hot styling tools.
From the very first use, dry, parched and frizzy hair finds new life and is silky, shiny and soft to the touch.